Special Event
Studio Legale Internazionale Gaglione, has the pleasure to invite you to the seminar:

Buying a property in Italy: avoiding the pitfalls

The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London


5:30pm Registration
6:00pm “Buying a property in Italy: avoiding the pitfalls”
Alessandro Gaglione – Avvocato (Italy) and Solicitor (England and Wales)
Studio Legale Internazionale Gaglione
7:15pm Question time
7:30pm Canapés and Drinks Reception

Participation to the seminar will be free of charge. Should you wish to attend the seminar please fill out the form below and return it by e-mail to info@gaglione.it or by fax to 02078553787. The number of places available is limited.

For further info please call 02074892014.


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